Tag Archives: dollar

America to China – “Stop Buying Our Dollars! And Another Thing: Please Buy Our Dollars.”

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     It is ironic that the dollar has strengthened rather than weakened over the last year.

· The sub-prime mortgage crisis originated in the United States;

· The crisis has severely undermined the credibility of American financial institutions – both in the narrower sense that leading investment banks have now disappeared and in the broader sense that American modes of corporate governance have lost value as role models (rating agencies, accounting systems, executive compensation, and so on) read more

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The euro’s challenge to the dollar does not depend on tipping

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My friend Barry Eichengreen, together with Marc Flandreau, has written a column in today’s Financial Times, that appears under the headline “Why the euro is unlikely to eclipse the dollar.” The body of the article is a claim that network externalities and tipping points are not important, or perhaps that they once were but no longer are.

The first two steps of their argument are:
(1) a multiple-currency system is the historical norm. The dollar-denominated system that we have experienced for more than 60 years is an aberration, so network externalities (aren’t) important.
(2) The dollar surpassed the pound in the 1924-25, not in 1948, so lags and tipping phenomena are not important. read more

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Geopolitical Implications if the US $ Loses Its Role as Top International Currency

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My post last week suggested that the euro may overtake the US dollar as premier international currency. One might ask why this would matter. Some of the reasons it matters are economic: we would lose the “exorbitant privilege” of being able to finance our international deficits easily. But there are also possible geopolitical implications.

In the past, US deficits have been manageable because our allies have been willing to pay a financial price to support American global leadership;  they correctly have seen it to be in their interests.   In the 1960s, Germany was willing to offset the expenses of stationing U.S. troops on bases there so as to save us from a balance of payments deficit.   The U.S. military has long been charged less to station troops in high-rent Japan than if they had been based at home. Repeatedly the Bank of Japan, among other central banks, has been willing to buy dollars to prevent the U.S. currency from depreciating (late 1960s, early 1970s, late 1980s).   In 1991, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and a number of other countries were willing to pay for the financial cost of the war against Iraq, thus briefly wiping out the U.S. current account deficit. read more

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