Category Archives: exchange rates

Weaponization of the Dollar May Backfire Yet

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October 26, 2019 —  This is a good time to gauge the rankings of the dollar and its rivals as major international currencies.  The Bank for International Settlements came out in September with its triennial survey of turnover in the world’s foreign exchange markets.  The IMF’s statistics on central bank holdings of foreign exchange reserves have gotten much more reliable lately, because China has joined in on reporting its holdings to the IMF (as Eswar Prasad explains).  And SWIFT offers every month its numbers on use of major currencies in international payments. read more

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Trump Renews Charges of Chinese Currency Manipulation

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September 23, 2018 — The US Treasury is due in October to submit its biannual report to Congress on what countries, if any, are manipulating their currencies to gain unfair trade advantage.  President Trump has recently resumed the accusation against China  that he made during the election campaign. 

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Larry Summers’ Explanation for $ Decline

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March 5, 2018 — Why has the dollar fallen since January 2017?   My answer is an economic turnaround in the rest of the world.  Also the level of the dollar remains rather high.  But Larry Summers has a different answer.

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