Category Archives: environment

Carbon Prices, not Monetary Policies, Are the Tools to Fight Climate Change

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January 23, 2020 —  Everyone agrees that Climate Change is at the top of the list of most important policy issues that we face – everyone, with a few exceptions such as Trump supporters who call it a hoax.  Identifying the problem, however, is not much use unless we also identify the appropriate tools to address the problem.

Financial institutions

In my own field of specialization, central bankers have caught Climate Change fever.  Perhaps the first was Governor Mark Carney — recently departed from the Bank of England.   Christine Lagarde – newly arrived at the ECB from the International Monetary Fund —  has declared the global environment to be “mission critical” for her institutions. read more

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Bill Nordhaus & Paul Romer, Nobel Prize winners

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October 8, 2018 — Congratulations to Bill Nordhaus and Paul Romer on winning the ultimate prize in Economics.  When I first heard, I wondered what the two have in common, beyond both doing path-breaking Nobel-worthy research. 

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The Paris Agreement on Climate Change, C’est Bon

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(12/22/2015) How should one evaluate the agreement reached in Paris December 12 by the 21st Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)? 

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