Category Archives: China

Xi & Trump Miss a Chance to Expand Markets

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March 24, 2019 — Donald Trump has postponed until April the supposed deadline for a conclusion to China-US trade negotiations.  A good outcome for both sides would have China agree to better protect private property rights and to reduce the role of the state in its economy; the US agree to strengthen national saving and public investment; and both sides agree in the short-term to reverse their recent tariff increases and the resulting shrinkage of international markets.  Unfortunately this deal is not likely to happen. read more

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China’s Q3 GDP Reportedly Slowed to 6.5%. Or is it 6.4%?

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October 19, 2018 —  Headlines today note a further slowdown in China’s growth.

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Fall in US Trade Balance Led by Ag. Exports

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September 27, 2018 — As of July, the US trade deficit had widened relative to  a year ago, despite temporary improvement earlier in 2018.  A new Census report today suggests: (1) further deterioration of the merchandise trade balance in August, and (2) a particular role for exports of food & feeds

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