Category Archives: Asia

TPP Critics’ Nighttime Fears Fade by Light of Day

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(10/11/2015) The TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) that was finally agreed among trade negotiators of 12 Pacific countries on October 5 came as a triumph over long odds. Tremendous political obstacles, domestic and international, had to be overcome over the last five years.  Now each country has to decide whether to ratify the agreement.

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Misinterpreting Chinese Intervention in Financial Markets

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(9/7/2015) It is tempting to view economic events in China through a single template: the view that they are driven by government intervention because the authorities haven’t learned to let the market operate. 

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Did China’s regulators exacerbate its recent stock market bubble?

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(8/2/1015) The plunge of China’s stock market that has taken place since June 2015 has received a lot of attention.  All the commentary says not only that the Chinese authorities have taken a variety of artificial measures to try to boost the market on the way down but also that they did the same during the huge run-up in stock prices between mid-2014 and mid-2015, when the Shanghai stock exchange composite index more than doubled.  The finger-wagging implications are that the Chinese authorities, particularly the stock market regulator, have not learned how to let the market operate and that they had only themselves to blame for the bubble in the first place. read more

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