(April 15, 2016) President Barack Obama has had a remarkable series of foreign policy triumphs over the last 12 months. One of the lesser-known was the passage of legislation for reform of the IMF on December 18, 2015, after five years of obstruction by the US Congress.
Category Archives: Asia
China’s Slowdown
(Jan. 22, 2016) Investors worldwide are closely watching the steep decline in China’s stock market. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index is down more than 40% since June 2015.
The reason observers are concerned is not because they themselves are invested: China’s stocks are overwhelmingly held by Chinese themselves. Rather, many are interpreting it as evidence that China’s economy is going down the tubes.
TPP Skeptics Should Switch Sides
(11/12/2015) Now that the TPP text has been released, I have read at least some parts of it in detail. It seems to me that it does what the negotiators said it does.